A Guide on How to Help Your Children Adjust to the Idea of Wearing Braces – COOL MOMS
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A Guide on How to Help Your Children Adjust to the Idea of Wearing Braces

Braces are not fun for most children. Most children feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. It can be difficult to adjust to life with braces. As children age, many need braces. If your child will need braces there are a few things you can do to ease the transition.

idea of braces - A Guide on How to Help Your Children Adjust to the Idea of Wearing Braces

Continue reading to learn more.

Consider Your Options

Discussing the options with your children is a good place to start. In the past, there were few options available for aligning teeth. Not anymore. You may find a solution that is more suitable for your children’s teeth. You can choose from metal braces (traditional), ceramic braces (also known as lingual braces), or aligners. Clear aligners may be the least invasive option, but they can also be the cheapest and easiest. Alignerco, for example, can provide clear alignments without ever having you step foot into a dental office. The first step is to receive an impression kit in the mail. You take the impressions, and then send them back. A team of experts will create your plan and return the aligners.

Listen to their concerns

Talk to your child. Braces may cause your child to feel embarrassed and can affect their self-confidence. Listening to your child’s concerns can help you find a solution to their problems. They might worry that they will be laughed at or ridiculed, or even bullied because of their teeth. You can remind them that many of their friends are likely to need braces in the future, or have friends with braces already. You can offer to speak to the parents of the bully or to the school if they are being bullied. Encourage them to keep pursuing their passions. The life with braces and the one without braces should almost be identical. Some children need to be reminded of this.

Remember the end goal

Braces may not be fun, but they have a purpose. You can help your child accept the idea of braces by explaining the purpose. The purpose of braces is not just to improve the appearance of your child’s smile. Orthodontic braces can improve your oral health. Straighter teeth are also easier to clean and prevent future periodontal problems. In extreme cases, misaligned teeth may also cause jawbone erosion. Braces can reduce or eliminate these risks in some cases. These are some things you can say to your child to help them understand the importance of braces.

Talk About Their Limitations

Your child may have to follow certain restrictions depending on the type of braces they need. Braces may restrict what your child can eat, or do. Talk to them about the options and stress that braces are temporary. Some things may not bother them and others might. When wearing braces you shouldn’t chew gum, ice or engage in contact sports. All of these can cause damage to the braces and mouth if the wire becomes loose.

In addition, you will also need to make dietary adjustments. For example, avoid sugary drinks and foods, as they can damage the adhesive of the braces or, in extreme cases stain your teeth. This can leave marks after the braces have been removed. They can think about these things in advance, so they aren’t a shock when the time arrives.

Make it as Easy As Possible

You’ll want to make it as easy as you can for your child when the time comes. You will find that your child is more likely to follow the instructions of their orthodontist if you have talked with them about it beforehand. You can make their lives easier by investing in an electric toothbrush, or a Waterpik. You can also make some meals so that they don’t feel any pain.

In conclusion

It can be an important event in the life of a child to wear braces. Some children will be scared, others may feel reluctance, while some might find it a relief. You have a huge influence on how your child will view this experience.

You can help to ease their anxiety by being empathetic.

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